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The Primary goals of our club are promoting Compassion, Non-violence Human values, Animal welfare,  Prevention of Cruelty, Environmental Values and Vegetarian diet & its nutritional values. The Club invites and registered all the students who are willing  to promote these values in the society

Karuna Club

Inauguration, Investiture & Workshop

  • On 30th September 2019 we had our Karuna Club Inauguration & Investiture function with other 3 Clubs called ‘Proactive Campus Clubs’ (Youth red Cross, Red Ribbon Club and Citizen Consumer Club) headed by our Beloved Director of our College Dr.G.K.Francis who pinned the batches to our club Executive Committee members and Oath was taken at Shri Bhagwan Mahaveer Gyan Bhavan by 3.00 P.M.

  • The Inauguration function was followed by a workshop ‘Personal Empowerment in Emergency Response’ conducted by NGO_ALERT who demonstrated how one can save a life of a victim by  giving First Aid in a Emergency  Situation like Road accident and was attended by around 1000 students of 4 clubs.

Health & Wellness Camp For all Women

  • A Health & Wellness Camp was conducted in our campus for all girl students and women by Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre in association with Rajasthani Health Foundation on 09.01.2020 & 10.01.2020 at Shri Bhagwan Mahaveer Gyan Bhavan and Padma Shri Mohanmull Chordia Indoor Stadium respectively.

  • Every day the session was started with brief Health talk by

  • Dr S.Abhinaya and followed by general health check-up through which around 1000 girls and women were benefited.

  • The Karuna Club was In Charge for this two day Health Camp for all women and by deputing 25 girl volunteers the club ensures the smooth conduct of this camp.

  • As a token of appreciation the girl volunteers and In charge staffs are acknowledged by gifts which include a cup and a table calendar by

  • Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre.

National Federation of the Blind

  • Our Agurchand Manmull Jain College provided its premises to the National Federation of the Blind, Chennai to celebrate 211th Birth Anniversary of Louie Braille  with around 125 Visually Challenged people on 12.01.2020.

  • The College arranged for the Tea and lunch of 230 to the people gathered and to the people in the NFB’s Visually Challenged Schools. The volunteers of the Karuna Club of our College facilitated the smooth conduct of the function by receiving the visually challenged people from Meenambakkam Railway Station/Bus Stop to function area, distributing foods and assisted the NFB people throughout the function.

National Conference – by karuna international

  • The Karuna International organized 22nd National Conference for 2 days on 27th and 28th December 2019.       

  •  Dr. S. Durga Parameswari and Dr. Susila Navik, were represented the Karuna Club of A.M. Jain College on Friday 27th December 2019 to the conference held at Sri Ramdayal Kalavati Khemkar Agarwal Sabha Bhavan, Anna Nagar, Chennai.  

  • After the Registration, at 8.30 am, exhibition was inaugurated by Sri J. Mohanlal Chordia, Chairman of Mylapore Jain Sangh, then at 10.10 am, the inauguration of Conference by Dr. A.C. Shanmugam, followed by Karuna Prayer and Prayer Dance.  Welcome speech was given by Kailashmull Dugar, President, Karuna International.

  • Then, Dulichand Jain, the Chairman of Karuna International briefed about Vision of Karuna International and speech by Guest of Honour was presented by Sri Shantilal Jain, President of Sri Chandraprabhu Jain Naya Mandir Trust.

  • Dr. A.C. Shanmugam, the Chief Guest, gave a key note address, followed by the Annual Report by Sri Padam Kumar J. Tatia, then a presentation on the Topic “Relevance of Vegetarianism in the Modern Era by Smt. Lakshmi Neelakantan, C.E.O. of Karuna International was presented.  Many good aspects about the Vegetarianism and how it is linked to our Indian Culture and Economy were highlighted.

  • All the participants were provided with Tea, Snacks and Lunch as well as were complimented a Conference Kit.

Disaster Management Workshop

  • The Karuna Club and Youth Red Cross jointly organized a workshop in Disaster Management on 25.01.2020 at Padma Shri Mohanmull Chordia Indoor Stadium by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization.

  • The workshop was conducted in two sessions. The Morning session explained theoretically how we should rescue the people in the emergency situation of  Cyclone, Earthquake, Tsunami & Landslide.

  • In the Afternoon session the organization practically demonstrated how to rescue the people, the type knots in rescuing operation, how to save the people in fire accidents and how the first aid to be given to a fits affected people, heart patients & unconscious persons.

  • Around 325 students benefited from this workshop, the college provided juice and biscuits to all the students and the Shri Sathya Sai Seva Organization issued certificates to all the attended students.

Valedictory Function

  • The Valedictory function was conducted for all clubs on the campus on 9th March 2020. The chief Guest for the occasion was Mr.M.Raja Raman, Assistant Director of Higher Education , Thanjavur. In his valedictory address he highlighted the job opportunities available in government sector. He also distributed the Certificates of Appreciation to all the club members.

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